- Cardinal Pio Taofinu'u
Retired Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Samoa/Apia. The first Samoan to be appointed a cardinal
and from the College of Cardinals throughout the world, they elect a new Pope upon the death of the one in office.
- Rev. Iese Mapu Tuuao
He is the Moderator of the Southern California Conference of the United Church of Christ. The United Church of Christ
is one of the mainline Protestant Denomination in the United States. It has more than 2 million members in the U.S. It has
39 Conferences, and he is the Moderator of one of the Conference, called the Southern California Nevada Conference of the
United Church of Christ. He is the first Samoan to hold this position. Many of the Samoan Congregational Churches have affiliations
with the UCC.
1) Malamalama Congregational Church; and
2) Ola Fou Congregational Church in Oceanside, California. He is also a doctoral student for the Doctor of Ministry Degree
at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.
- Dr Bert Williams: One of Malua Theological College dux graduates; receipt of an international scholarship. Pastor of
Newburyport Congregational Church, Massachusetts in the early 1960's. Established the First Samoan Church of Los Angeles,
California in the mid-1960's.
A well reknown Samoan composer, boxer and medical officer who served in Manu'a during the 1950's.
President of Malua Theological College, of the Congregational Christian Church - Samoa.
First President of the Kanana Fou Theological Seminary, of the Congregational Christian Church - American Samoa.
- Reverend Palafu F. Tili: Established the Long Beach 4th Samoan Community Congregational Church in 1972. Ordained by
the United Church of Christ - 1973.
Active member of the Samoan community in Carson, California. Left for Western Samoa in August 1981.
Served Pastorship with Long Beach 4th: 1972 - 1981
Served Pastorhip with Ierusalema Fou Congregational Christian Church in Matatufu - Lotofaga, of the Falealili District
from August 1981 - April 1995.
Falealili District Representative to the General Finance Committee (CCCS).
Provided scholarship for Matatufu students to attend Leulumoega Fou College and Papauta Girls School during tenure as
pastor in Matatufu - Lotofaga.
Major benefactor for the rebuilding of the Matatufu Primary School after Cyclones Ofa (February 1991) and Val (December